Home warehouse hidden 9 boxes of old whisky do not drink men do not know goods netizens jie true body value is amazing

Home warehouse dug out of the treasure! A man in Taiwan posted an online article, saying that he recently cleaned up the warehouse of his home and found many boxes of old wine. Because he did not drink and did not understand the value of the wine, he opened the box and took a bottle to take photos, hoping to ask the netizens who knew the wine. Many people recognized the wine, pointing to the 25-year-old whisky, each bottle of about NT $80,000 (about HK $20,000), and 54 bottles of about NT $4.32 million (about HK $1.1 million). Seeing the millions of beautiful wine worth of Taiwan dollars, netizens laughed that "expired 50 collection", "this is rich", some people said that the name and year of the wine can be checked, "I suspect you are showing off your wealth". Local TV stations asked the old wine collector that it was worth about NT $80,000 per bottle.

The building owner in the facebook group "explosion waste commune two hall" post, refers to the home warehouse found many boxes of wine, but he did not drink, take a bottle to the living room to take photos, there are a lot of wood chips, " do not know is a long insect to bite out those fire chips, is this wine valuable?」。There are nine red boxes in the photo, with wooden boxes, and the wooden boxes and bottles are very luxurious.

Familiar netizens refers to the bottle for "McAllen 25 years Shirley barrel single pure wheat whisky", expensive, online reference price about t $80000, but the specific value by experts concluded that each 6 bottles may have 54 branches, so calculated price over t $4.32 million, "this rich", "looking for professional accept, don't find the old acquisition on the market".

Many people joked, " It is not very valuable, about 70,000,80,000, need help to recycle?」, 「 These are expired, so I will help to deal with them. Because the surface of the box has a name and year, netizens think it is easy to find out the value, "I suspect you are flaunt wealth, but I have no evidence", "dazzle article is correct, cast envious eyes".

Taiwan TV access to local wine collectors, each other through the wine 7,8 years ago when 1 bottle asking nt $20000 (hk $5000), six years ago to NT $25000 (about hk $6400), "to now 2021 to nt $79000 (hk $20000)", so about 80000 nt $ (about hk $20000).